Critical Mass Entry Form

Please fill out this form to submit to ‘Critical Mass’ and agree to See Saw Art terms.

Name of exhibition: Critical Mass – An Open Call Exhibition

Submissions due: 11:59pm, Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Notification: Artists will be notified of their acceptance on or before July 30, 2023.

Exhibition on view: August 12 – 27, 2023

Opening Reception: Saturday, August 12, 2023 from 4-8pm

Juror: Amy Regan, See Saw Art owner and Rochester Museum of Fine Arts cofounder.

Submission Guidelines: All sizes of works will be considered, however, smaller works are preferred due to gallery limitations. All works must be for sale, recommended pricing of $250 or below. Prints, photographs, and works on paper are not required to be framed and will be hung with magnets or clips. Accepted artworks may be shipped. 

Artwork drop off:

  • Thursday, August 3, 6-8pm at See Saw Art in Manchester, NH
  • Friday, August 4, 2-6pm at See Saw Art in Manchester, NH
  • Saturday, August 5, 12-4pm at the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts in Rochester, NH
  • Sunday, August 6, 1-4pm at See Saw Art in Manchester, NH

Artwork pick up:

  • Friday, September 1, 2-6pm at See Saw Art in Manchester, NH
  • Saturday, September 2, 10am – 1pm at the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts in Rochester, NH
  • Sunday, September 3, 1-4pm at See Saw Art in Manchester, NH


  • Total
