Shevanna Young

Shevanna Young (b. 2001, Concord, NH), also known as Shevy, is a relief printmaker and mixed media artist whose work blends traditional print techniques with unconventional mediums. Their work frequently explores the whimsical essence of childhood, and aims to recapture that lost wonder which often fades in adulthood. Since discovering relief printmaking in her sophomore year of high school, their passion has flourished, particularly during her studies at the Institute of Art and Design in Manchester, NH. Lifelong resident of the Merrimack Valley region of New Hampshire, Shevanna now resides and creates in Loudon. Her work is deeply inspired by childhood memories and traumas, the everchanging natural world, and the encroaching manmade elements, reflecting a concern for the future of nature and its role in our lives.

Shevanna’s work was featured in ‘Group Effort,’ on view August 10-September 1, 2024.

‘MOXIE!’ is inspired by the soda brands color palette

‘Polarize’ reflects on humans natural instinct to have paranoia, and how folklore shapes our perceptions of reality, drawing on local legends like ‘woods devils’ and personal fears of the dark.

Shevanna Young

See Saw Art is a 120 square foot exhibition space located within Mosaic Art Collective at 66 Hanover Street, Suite 201, in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Owned and operated by Rochester Museum of Fine Arts co-founder, Amy Regan, See Saw Art features invitational and open call exhibitions on a monthly basis.

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